Looking for money in all the wrong places? An online survey is a great way to earn money on your own time and with minimal effort. You don't need to spend a cent. You will also earn money in USD, 1 $ is equivalent to RM4.00. Not only that, you can also use the money to buy goods from overseas for example on ebay or withdraw the money from your bank using Paypal. I've tried it myself. Here are some websites that can help you.
Viewfruit - Viewfruit is a Survey panel that pays people to take surveys.
Tips for Viewfruit:
- Always log in to your viewfruit account to get the latest surveys.
- You'll need to create a PayPal account if you don't have one
- Keep updated profiles to get more surveys
- Complete the survey completely to avoid quota being met.
- Lastly, don't just click click you need to read and understand the survey.
Viewfruit is a valid Panel, this is proof from my account. So far I've spent $ 51 and have used it to buy things on ebay and also have taken it to my bank for my study.
What are you waiting for? Join Viewfruit now to make money! Click on the image below and it will take you directly to the viewfuit website.